Black Storm

25 in stock (can be backordered)



10 tab



25 in stock (can be backordered)

Black Storm Powerful Lasting Pill owns the name of the best salable male product of the world, it takes effect in 10 minutes and last for 72 hours. Original sex pill for man black storm not only make the penis big and long-lasting, but also increasing sperms.

What’s Black Storm for man?

Black Storm Pill use high and new targeted administration technique, contains of more kidney beneficial and Yang invigorating herbal elements including epimedium and medlar. Natural sexual Black Storm male enhancement can benefit male sex ability, and completely rescue men from embarrassed sexual troubles. It is quite good for the body to increase the section of testosterone, supply plenty of nutrients essential that is need for the enlargement of the penis, effectively increase the blood flow in sexual organ, and Black Storm sex pill plays the important role in improving the volume of genitals, make the man root longer, harder and tolerant and increase the confidence for male.

Suitable Crowd: People with impotence, premature ejaculation, short penis, low sexual ability, prostate and other sexual dysfunction.

Usage & Dosage: Take one tablet 60 minutes before sexual activity.


  • No more than 1 tablet a time to achieve the results eagerly.
  • Drink enough amount of cold water if many erections, or long time erections with ejaculation occurs after you take the capsule.
  • No repetition in 24hours.